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   An NDA is an important legal instrument that is designed to protect all parties involved in a business relationship where disclosure of Intellectual Properties may be involved as a matter of doing business. There are generally three (3) types of NDA's designed to cover these business relationships. These are:

      -Receive Only
      -Disclosure Only

   The NDA agreement needs to become the document that controls how all parties involved in any "disclosure event" (under the agreement) will perform their respective business activities in the presence of Intellectual Properties of the other participant(s). This document must be a signed document, authorized by Officers of the respective participating companies, before any business activities that involve sensitive technology materials begin.

   Although the advice provided here does NOT constitute formal legal counsel, we can provide you with general information that may be helpful to you as you review your legal options. Please consult your attorney on all matters requiring legal representation.
Generate a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

NDA Maker can create your customized Non-Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement (NDA) quickly and easily for only $99 USD.

An NDA document is generated by you responding to our "expert system" questionnaire, which will provide all the necessary information for protection of your intellectual property.

The first step in completing the questionnaire is for you to enter your customer information into the Customer Data fields on the next page. The information entered there is used to complete the NDA.

The NDA questionnaires next three pages (approximately 20 questions), acquires information describing the conditions critical to the disclosure process, along with information that provides the legal identity of the parties to the agreement.

Finally, you enter your credit card information for payment. Once the payment is received and confirmed by our firm, an NDA will be generated for you. This document will be reviewed by our staff for completeness. Within 8 hours, you will be sent the final NDA agreement.

In addition, you will receive the following (draft) documents templates:

    1. NDA Intellectual Property Transmittal Record
    2. NDA Oral Disclosure Record
    3. Notice from the Information Control Representative to the Recipient of Intellectual Property

All documents will be sent to the buyer in Microsoft WORD format, via secure email, to the email address specified by you in the NDA Generator Questionnaire. Upon verification of receipt by the email recipient, your funds will be release from our Lawyers Trust Account.